What is a Vasectomy?
A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure performed that helps prevent pregnancy by cutting the vas deferens, the ducts that carry sperm. This form of male sterilization is over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. The procedure is performed in our office and takes about 1 hour. Patients return home after their procedure.
Scalpel Vasectomy
A scalpel vasectomy is performed via one or two small incisions in the scrotum. The vas deferens is cut and a segment may be removed before the ends are sealed. These steps are then repeated on the other vas.
No-Scalpel Vasectomy
A no-scalpel vasectomy procedure is performed through a tiny hole made in the skin, only large enough for the vas to be lifted through. The rest of the procedure typically continues as in a scalpel vasectomy.
Dr Baxter performs the No-Scalpel Vasectomy.
What can you expect during a vasectomy?
Before your procedure, Dr Baxter will meet with you and discuss the vasectomy procedure with you and make sure you understand it is meant to be permanent. The risk and benefits of the procedure are reviewed and any questions you have will be answered.
Some lab work will be required 1-week prior to the procedure. This can be obtained through our office for minimal charge.
After the procedure, you will be expected to return home and rest for the first 24-hours, then minimal activity for the next 24-hours.
A local anesthetic is administered to numb the area via a small needle.
After the procedure, the incision will be left open to heal on its own. This reduces itching and discomfort from sutures.
What can you expect during recovery?
You can expect some bruising, swelling, and discomfort that should subside within a few days.
Be prepared to limit activity while you recover, and follow all of your doctor’s instructions about when you can return to your normal routine.
Be aware that vasectomy is not immediately effective at preventing pregnancy. Use a secondary form of birth control until your doctor can confirm via sperm count the absence of sperm in your semen.
Due to the medications administered during the procedure, you cannot drive yourself home from the procedure. You will need a licensed driver to transport you home when you leave the clinic.
How does vasectomy compare to other forms of birth control?
Vasectomy is one of the most reliable methods of birth control and is nearly 100% successful at preventing pregnancy. It is a low-risk outpatient procedure that carries less risk and expense than a tubal ligation (the equivalent female sterilization procedure.) Vasectomy is also less expensive than long-term birth control medications for women, like birth control pills, IUDs, condoms, and spermicides.
Does vasectomy have side effects?
Serious side effects are rare, but as with any surgical procedure, there are some minor but uncommon risks associated with vasectomy:
Bleeding or bruising near the surgical site.
Infection at the incision (all patients are treated with an antibiotic to prevent infection.)
Mild pain, swelling, or discomfort in the area.
Testicular fluid build-up.
Rarely, pregnancy if the procedure fails.
Vasectomy does not affect sexual performance or sex drive.
Risk to other reproductive organs is very low.
There is no proven link between vasectomy and testicular cancer or heart disease.
During the procedure, you may feel some discomfort or “tugging” sensations, but this should not be painful. During recovery, pain should be gone after a few days.
Can vasectomy be reversed?
Vasectomy should be considered permanent. Vasectomy reversals are more complicated and expensive, and there is a chance the reversal procedure will not restore fertility.
Cost: Members Non-members
Procedure: $300 $600
Pre-vas labs: 12 12
Medications: 4 4
Pathology cost: 188 188
Post vas sperm count: 100 100
$604 $904
Recovery time:
2 days off work